Make an In-Kind Donation

In-kind gifts are contributions of goods or services, other than cash gifts.

Please check with us from time-to-time as we have new needs, specifically when are are opening a new home.

  • Toilet paper
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Deodorant, for Men and Women
  • Bleach Spray
  • Windex
  • Lawn trash bags (paper)
  • SCAT bus passes
  • Gift cards to businesses like: Ace Hardware, Home Depot, Lowes, The Garden Center, Big Lots, Walmart, Dollar General, Barnes and Noble, Target, Staples, Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc.

For information about what is needed most at this time, and to make an in-kind donation, contact Megan Howell at 941-201-9353 or

Due to strict hygiene policies, we are not able to take any personal products that are opened. This also extends to used bedding, food and cleaning products. Thank you for understanding!